Hongbeom Park

Goals for 2024

HongbeomMar 7, 2024·Last Updated On Mar 9, 2024Goals
1 min read|

Better late than never, right? Here are my goals for 2024.

Goals for 2024

  • 🥊 Fitness:
    • Learn MMA
    • Slash body fat to 13% (-35%)
  • 💰 Finance:
    • Scaling xbase and blogpro to $20k MRR
  • 🌴 Fun:
    • Live in Chiang Mai and Bangkok for 3 months
    • More paddleboarding and surfing
    • Document my journey on Instagram
  • ✍️ Skills:
    • Tweet twice every day - connect with potential partners.
    • Study SEO an hour every day

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